We have been recording our first year in this house. Taking pictures of different sections of the house, corners that we enjoy spending time in, little nooks, the differences as the seasons change. Perhaps it will become a scrapbook. Perhaps just a process.
Part of noticing these different places in our home has been sharing them with each other, both physically and verbally. Showing each other where the best flowers grown, snakes hide, the grass feels extra soft, which stair squeaks. Sharing how we feel, the joy when we find those amazing flowers, or excitement when we discover the same snakes each time we check, calm of sitting in a certain place.
Part of noticing these different places in our home has been sharing them with each other, both physically and verbally. Showing each other where the best flowers grown, snakes hide, the grass feels extra soft, which stair squeaks. Sharing how we feel, the joy when we find those amazing flowers, or excitement when we discover the same snakes each time we check, calm of sitting in a certain place.
We have been spending a lot of time in our trees. There is the two by the drive way entrance. They hold a scratchy hammock I picked up in Guatemala. It often gets covered in earwigs and I am the only one brave enough to shake it out. So when I lay it it, everyone wants to come sit with me. It is a great way to bring everyone over to me, to have a snuggle with everyone. We sit and look at those trees, tall, strong. The snuggle trees.
There is the reading tree. A giant pine. The deer love to lay there in the winter, which keeps a bare patch underneath the tree from their body heat. There are some strong low branches, making it easy to climb. It is a spot the kids like to lay down in, on the strong branches and read. It's a quiet place. A secure place.
Beside the house are two maples. These are the monkey trees. In one we have another hammock (this one soft and earwig free), a tire swing and a swinging ladder. There is often ropes tied to both trees for climbing across. The kids love to climb really high, to hide, surprise, play. They are in these trees so often, its the first place I look for them. All of them equally.
The fun trees.
There is a sumac alley way. Which is starting to need some attention as the new growth is infringing on the path that wanders through a sumac grove. It is a magical place, a covered walkway. If you make a wish a walk through the circle...a fairy will hear. Magical trees.
Special places these trees.
ok, i've said it before and i know i'll say it again...i love the way you observe and write about things emma! you really make me remember to slow down and think about what is important in life. thanks for sharing!
thanks amanda :)
What a beautiful post! I absolutely understand what you are talking about when you mention *magical trees* I wrote a post a while back with the same
title : ) It is amazing how powerful trees are in so many ways!
Thanks for stopping by Nicole! I popped over and read your post on "magical trees". Sharing the experience is a wonderful thing!
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