Monday, August 24, 2009

The Ball is Bouncing!

The road trip we took on the weekend was a wonderful addition to our current interest in local history. We were reading up on what some of the local museums had to over and found that this one focused on local settlers and the history of boats and boating. They offered an afternoon children's program which took the kids (and me!) through the different exhibits. Although it was a small quaint museum they did an excellent job sharing the history. Our guide did a fabulous job of answering most of our questions with stories, giving it such a living flare.

At the dock we spotted a beautiful small boat that looked perfect for cruising the lakes on a Sunday afternoon. It was beautifully crafted wood. It was over one hundred years old and the owners have had it in their family for over forty years. It is a steam powered boat. The gentleman was loading the boiler with wood and pine cones to get it read to go. It was a full circle moment to see some of these boats in the museum and then to watch one in action.

In the town there was a beautiful mural of a steamship on the side of a building. When you got closer the mural was comprised of individual pictures both from private collections and public records. The towns people put it together, creating a beautiful piece of history. There were loggers, boats, families, all ranging over a hundred year span. The photos were also put in chronological order.


Karen said...

Shai makes a lovely little girl in a bonnet and pinnafore - lol.
Can you do a tour/field trip to the marine museum (?) in Dorset?

There used to be an old shipwreck behind Bigwin Island - don't know if it is still there or not.


gardening gal said...

we are in the process with the one for dorset...that is cool to hear about the shipwreck...thanks!