Thursday, August 06, 2009

Each one Special

The relationships between him and each of the kids are as unique as they are. There is a shared sense of humour, dreams of adventure, hobbies, openness, silliness, exploring. Beautiful, each one, growing and changing in such amazing ways. As Shai grows, his love for his Daddy-o doubles daily.

The countless hours they can spend reading together laying piggyback fashion, or wrestling 'kung-fu', sharing a bowl of cereal or a popsicle on the porch, the way they stop whatever they are doing and rub their heads together in an almost spiritual moment, getting equally excited over spotting a motorcycle or dressing in scarves. All of it is beautiful. My heart swells watching this man I love, father in such a gentle way. Wow.To watch, be a part of it, is truly an amazing gift. A blessing.

I just happened to hear Shai knocking on the door, for Daddy-o to come see him. Daddy-o answered to Shai gifting him with these flowers he had picked, topped off with a kiss.


Karen said...

LOVE the pic - so so sweet.

gardening gal said...

i just love that they were so in the moment they didn't even notice me!

grammyjan said...

LURVE the new masthead? set up? whatever it's called. And I love this post.... sigh!

gardening gal said...

thanks...i am playing around with it a bit, which is kind of fun!

Karen said...

ooh like the new look!

gardening gal said...

thanks :) i am still working out all the new stuff, so it might keep changing till it fits rights!

amanda said...

this is so great :)