a visit to the pioneer village for the play is inspiration to learn how to use the drill and build a 'classic' swing of their own.
visiting the boating museum is inspiration to use a nautical knots to tie their swing up in the tree.
learning a little about the history of boats leads to discussions on the dock about all the different types of boats driving past and what style they might have been modelled after.
watching different types of boats driving around inspires us to build boats out of wax paper and experiment with which ones would float.
our attempts at floating our boats lead to discussions about why certain things float and others don't
learning about pioneer settlers in our area with a neighbour leads to a visit of the pioneer cemetery down our street
attending the play about how this area was founded leads to seeking out and finding a display at town hall about Captain Hunt
a new list for the library, art work of lakes and boats, seeking and pricing different types of boats, dreams set of owning one one day, discussions of stars as a compass, sailors then and now, a boat license, vikings and being buried in your boat, never stopping.
The kids passionately chase what interests them. It is for me to follow them, seeking out answers to their questions, providing the tools needed along the journey. Our style of learning is again affirmed, that it not only works for us but we thrive with it. As September nears closer and the buzz of school is all around, I am filled with gratitude for our path.
1 comment:
It's that bouncing ball thing. It amazes me not only where it leads if wejust let it flow, but how often those paths intersect at unexpected places and how easily the kids make the connections.
Sounds like you will have a busy september - lol.
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