Thursday, August 13, 2009

Outdoor Art- Saying Yes

The heat of summer is a welcome addition. Finally. With it comes out door painting. The easel finds a spot under a tree, the paint brushes have a permanent place on the porch and the sprinkler is positioned for an easy, fun clean up. We have a few 'classic' favorites we like to try each year. Paper mache is at the top of the list. It is one of those crafts that to be fully enjoyed is best done on the grass near a hose.
Flicking paint is another favorite. Swinging your brush so that the paint sprays every where is so satisfying, the result so colourful.
Bingo dabbers, murals, clay, body prints, are a few others. The space of the outdoors gives me the courage to say yes more often than not.


sm said...

ditto - it's so nice to say YES to painting, to working with clay, to "can we squirt these printer cartridges and see what will happen?"

love the *new* look

Lisa said...

LOVE the paint splattered knee!

Lisa :)

gardening gal said...

It DOES feel so great saying YES! a fully committed YES!

Nice to have you stop over Lisa!