Tuesday, August 04, 2009


our newest additions; Flopsy (look at those adorable years! how could his name be anything but!)

and Oreo...

Yes, we have rabbits. And wow are they ever cute, complete with little cotton ball tails. It was one of those times when within a very short amount of time things just came together. A homeschooling mum down the road offered us these bunnies, we asked a friend about a hutch she had and was kind of enough to give it too us and we were also given some food. All over the weekend.
The kids couldn't be more excited. The hutch the friends had built for their son really is great. It is on wheels and can be moved around the yard, giving the rabbits access to fresh clover. The kids can climb in to the caged pen, play with the bunnies without worrying they might get away.
We are headed to the library, time to do some reading up on rabbits.


Karen said...

When do the goats arrive?
Is Aria getting a pony for her birthday?

gardening gal said...

I am always hopeful for a goat, sheep or alpaca...baby steps:)

Karen said...

Sara: Your house is turning into a barn. They are very cute. Can I hold one?
Emily: When can we go up, when can we go up, when can we go up!!??!!??
Colin: NO WAY!!!!!! can we have some?
Me: No - lol