Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Busy Bees

Summer has arrived and is quickly fleeting all at once. That list of summer activities is out, trying to fit as much in as possible. It's been busy. Summer kind of busy. Beach time, lots of beach time; castles, dock fishing, canoeing, friends.

During a few quiet moments amongst the business, the kids got around to setting up some of our summery things on the nature table. We even found the motivation and time to do a little bit of crafting for it. These bees were super easy and really cute. We found them in All Year Round, a book which takes you through the rhythm of the seasons.

You roll some brown or black felt in between your hands to make a kidney bean shaped body. With yellow embroidery floss you tie off a head, make stripes and sew on antenna. We used thin white cotton scraps for the wings. They are such a hit they don't stay on the table very long.

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