Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When the Moon Hits your Eye

One of our family's New Year's resolutions was to learn more about astronomy. As part of moving into the country, it seemed fitting to get more acquainted with the stars. (Really, they are sooo incredibly bright!) At the time we didn't realize how appropriate it was that we do it this year, being the International Year of Astronomy.

Our interest in learning about the different constellations has really been a spring board. We are currently tracking the phases of the moon. The kids each have a note book, recording every night what the moon looks like. We plan on doing this for a full cycle. The names of the 8 phases and the order they rotate is become easier to remember as we move slowly through them. We are attach the visual to the name.

There are some great resources on the phases of the moon. This page in particular has some a list of some exceptional sites. The kids liked this 3-d image. We all recommend checking some of the out.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Look at you go.
Thanks for sharing your dark skies with us. The meteor showers were beautiful.
Tell Shai I watched the moon rise on the way home at about 11:30. It wasn't missing. :)
Miss you