Monday, August 31, 2009
Family Shots....take 10!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Fair Trade

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Science North

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Birthday Festivities

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
How does your garden grow?

A little Shadow Puppetry Anyone?
animal shadow puppets how to
getting set up
an impressive video
international puppetry resources
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
One Leads to Another

a visit to the pioneer village for the play is inspiration to learn how to use the drill and build a 'classic' swing of their own.
visiting the boating museum is inspiration to use a nautical knots to tie their swing up in the tree.
learning a little about the history of boats leads to discussions on the dock about all the different types of boats driving past and what style they might have been modelled after.
watching different types of boats driving around inspires us to build boats out of wax paper and experiment with which ones would float.
our attempts at floating our boats lead to discussions about why certain things float and others don't
learning about pioneer settlers in our area with a neighbour leads to a visit of the pioneer cemetery down our street
attending the play about how this area was founded leads to seeking out and finding a display at town hall about Captain Hunt
a new list for the library, art work of lakes and boats, seeking and pricing different types of boats, dreams set of owning one one day, discussions of stars as a compass, sailors then and now, a boat license, vikings and being buried in your boat, never stopping.
The kids passionately chase what interests them. It is for me to follow them, seeking out answers to their questions, providing the tools needed along the journey. Our style of learning is again affirmed, that it not only works for us but we thrive with it. As September nears closer and the buzz of school is all around, I am filled with gratitude for our path.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Ball is Bouncing!
At the dock we spotted a beautiful small boat that looked perfect for cruising the lakes on a Sunday afternoon. It was beautifully crafted wood. It was over one hundred years old and the owners have had it in their family for over forty years. It is a steam powered boat. The gentleman was loading the boiler with wood and pine cones to get it read to go. It was a full circle moment to see some of these boats in the museum and then to watch one in action.
In the town there was a beautiful mural of a steamship on the side of a building. When you got closer the mural was comprised of individual pictures both from private collections and public records. The towns people put it together, creating a beautiful piece of history. There were loggers, boats, families, all ranging over a hundred year span. The photos were also put in chronological order.

The Ball Drops

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Road Trip

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Too Fast

Friday, August 21, 2009
Living Dangerously

The kids were thrilled to have built a combo- tipee set up inside of a log cabin. All their reading on outdoor survival has been coming in handy this summer. The result was a big and very hot fire. And some very thrilled kids.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sounds of Summer

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Busy Bees
During a few quiet moments amongst the business, the kids got around to setting up some of our summery things on the nature table. We even found the motivation and time to do a little bit of crafting for it. These bees were super easy and really cute. We found them in All Year Round, a book which takes you through the rhythm of the seasons.
You roll some brown or black felt in between your hands to make a kidney bean shaped body. With yellow embroidery floss you tie off a head, make stripes and sew on antenna. We used thin white cotton scraps for the wings. They are such a hit they don't stay on the table very long.