Monday, May 29, 2006

Tidal Learners

Are you an unschooler, a classical educator, charlotte mason, ecclectic, religious, curriculum specific..... The homeschooling style a family uses often reflects one's values, intent of homeschooling, life philosophy. While I don't feel any need to define my style to other homeschoolers, I don't find that having a title brings me any more clarity in the type of life I hope us to lead. While reading another homeschooling mom's blog I came across her explanation of her homeschooling style. It really resonated, although I would add that we are changing the tide, society by homeschooling.

The truth is I couldn't find any one that fit my family, so I made up my own. I call us "Tidal Learners" because the ways in which we approach education here change with the tide. Now this doesn't mean we are flighty or inconsistent, changing direction haphazardly. We aren't Fiddler Crab Homeschoolers. What I mean is that there is a rhythm to the way learning happens here; there are upbeats and downbeats; there is an ebb and a flow.

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