Corn starch, baking soda, vinegar, bubbles, liquid soap, water, salt, cinnamon, sugar cubes, flour, containers, spoons and mum in the house (except to take pictures).
I have such found memories of mixing and making creations out of cream, soap, bath powder, talc, water, and whatever else we could open in the bathroom cupboard. We would make new creations which made you fly, invisible, see in the dark. We even tried selling them to our neighbours. I am sure my mum wasn't thrilled with my sister and I emptying her stash of bath treats into our potions- but I don't ever remember being in trouble for it. In fact I remember being allowed to experiment with baking, cooking, crabapple soup in the wheelbarrow, grass concoctions in the little pool, mud piles in the yard. It was thrilling to experiment, create, make a mess uninhibited.
A friend resently did science experiments in the yard without guidance. I was reminded of my childhood and inspired to share this with the kids. While they do some of this already in the yard with sticks, grass and dirt, its also fun to try with new mediums. They had a blast. They made bubbles with their hands, volcanos eruptions, ending with a mixture that they put in the yard for fairies to bath in.

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