Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is an interesting holiday. Sentimental cards and flowers is how we as a society currently celebrate. This isn't however how the holiday originated. It's history is so rich and empowering. It was a day during which Mother's voiced their desire for peace, children's rights, social justice and equality. It was a day of action, passion, politics and strength. While the the sentimental cards and flowers are absolutely cherished, I feel sad that on a societal level this history and role of mothers is no longer recognized or perhaps felt. I am blessed to have a mother who talked of the power women held as mothers, the link between past, present and future generations, the politics of a gentle, loving heart and the importance of having your voice heard. I am surrounded by mother's who are intentional in raising their children, who are passionate about their role and embrace the role of caring for the world's children.

Happy Mother's day Mum, thanks for loving me unconditionally, accepting me as I am, encouraging me to live life fully and embracing the incredible role of motherhood in the way only you can. I love you.


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