Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I am excited to share some of the gifts we have made this year, and some very special ones that we received. Such talented, loving people in my life. Creating their own special gifts for all their relatives has been the norm for my kids. As they get older they need little to no guidance as to what they want to make for a gift, I may open the door to the craft supplies or thread a needle here and there but generally I have been weeded out of the process. Christmas morning it is often as much of a surprise for me as to what is being given.
Everyone was really excited to give this year, in fact we needed to be patient waiting our turn!
The thoughtfulness and love that went in to the perfect gifts were so much a part. Elias' gift for Ben was one such example. He worked with his dad to find a chart online listing the fish species in the lakes nearby. Next he searched out and printed a picture of each of the fish listed on the chart, with the name of the fish on the back. The chart and each of the fishes were lamented and hole punched. He put the collection on a ring, for Ben to clip to his bait box. Now Ben, who loves to fish, can identify what fish he has caught with ease, or choose a certain lake to fish as because of the fish the lake homes.
How clever is that? useful yet incredibly thoughtful!


Karen said...

Ben that's an awesome gift.

amanda said...

that really is a great gift Ben!