Monday, December 21, 2009

Gifts in a Jar

Gift giving traditions with my extended family has gone through lots of changes over the years. There were lots of years ,even as a kid, everyone exchanged a gift. As the families grew we started to draw names, each giving just one gift. There were also few years we each brought a neutral gift that we used played games with for the exchange. The games have been one of the parts of the exchange I have enjoyed the most, they have often been a gift in themselves. There have been lots of games over time; family trivia, the lucky draw, cards, Karaoke (which I loved!), auctions.

This year we decided on something we haven't tried before. First adults picking a name from the adult pool and the kids picking a name from the kid pool. The gifts couldn't cost more than $10, and they could be handmade or up cycled. The catch was the gift was to be put in a jar. A jar for a few reasons. It eliminates wrapping, bags, waste and instead is a re usable container. This twist requires you to be a little bit more creative and think outside your box....or in a jar!

We had a lot of fun with these gifts. We have been in a bit of a gifting slump with this particular exchange the last few years. We don't often see most of these family members any other time of the year, new partners come and therefore don't know them all extremely well to think of a personal gift. These new requirements breathed enough life into for us. We felt really successful in creating gifts we are joy filled in giving and that are also personal.

So since there are six of us, there were six gifts to give. I thought I would share what we did.
For my 3 yo nephew who loves super heroes we made some super hero accessories. We had recently made him a cape, so we built on that with wrist bands, a belt and a mask. A cool collection of tattoos topped it up.

My 9 yo cousin is receiving a bag made of jean with some funky embroidery. We covered the outside of the jar with hair accessories and some personal embroidered felt magnets.
Her 16 year old sister we made a hat from a felt sweater and a matching fleece scarf - which I just loved!
My 18 yo cousin is deciding what the next year will hold for her. We though it was fitting to give a flag banner with the word believe on it.
My cousin is also getting a hat made from a felted sweater, and in his jar is also some homemade hot chocolate mix and peppermint candy cane white chocolate bark. Cause really who doesn't like those!
My Aunt was originally getting a very different gift, but I ran into some sewing issues which needed me to walk away. Thankfully I found an even better replacement idea. She has a coffee mug cozy, a beautiful silk scarf with sequins I made and an embroidered broach.
Each of the gifts also have ornaments ; beeswax, salt dough or lavender filled birds and a small sweet treat we made.
I am excited to see the fun everyone else has been having making theirs and even more to see what games we decide on!


introspection_x said...

Very creative!

gardening gal said...

Thank you!