Thursday, October 15, 2009

Things I am Loving

There are always so many great recipes, writings, crafts, photos, catching my attention in blogland, I thought I would share a few of them.

I had a homeschooling meeting here the other night and needed to whip up a quick and easy snack. I tried maya*made's One Bowl Apple Cake. I used spelt flour instead of all purpose and we were out of nuts altogether and it was still delicious. The kids have since made it on their own. Very Yummy!

I have been loving this music! they do some great covers and original music

I wish I had the knitting confidence to take on this beautiful vest. I have a few people it would look super sweet on. I love it so much I would make one for ME in different colours, perhaps enough for everyday of the week!

This post about Halloween. The emphasis being on the changing of the seasons, the coming of the darkness. This post really resonated with me, the reason we celebrate.

I mentioned making some salves and rose hip syrup. The syrup recipe I used is a combination of a bunch of different ones. The closest is the one my friend Karen used, this recipe for their rose hip syrup. The only difference is we added a two inch piece of peeled ginger while it was cooking, then we mashed it a bit to get out every last bit of juice. The pieces were then strained out. We also added a pinch of cinnamon, cause we like it.


Steph said...

Hailey made that same apple cake for dessert last night - very tasty, plus any recipe with 'one bowl' in the title works for me!

mcarthurmama said...

that snack was so yummy. loved the vast amounts of cinnamon. notice i ate two large servings (ha ha!) loved it! thx em!