Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Over My Shoulder

Hiking is a family passion. It's our solution to a lot of things, if it is sunshine and we are feeling groovy we go for a hike, if the day is crumbling and we are cranky we go for a hike. Shai is an exceptionally good hiker, he loves to run along the trail, follow the bigger kids off the trail, explore the little crevices, flowers and bugs. He notices things that the rest of us might skip over or not see. Little lady bugs under a leaf, a spider on a log, a piece of fungus or a bit of moss. The pace he sets himself is a bit slower, but finding so many treasures is the reward for all of us.
The sharing of what we discover is one of the things I love about hiking as a family or in a group. Even with 6 pairs of eyes there is still things we miss.
Yesterday we headed out on a trail, an attempt to squash the crankiness that was starting to set in. A very sleepy Shai rode in the backpack carrier until his legs woke up. I have always carried by babies in different carriers, this is an extension of that. Having him close to me means we get to share the hike in a special way. I hear his chatter about what he sees, he puts his hands on my head or face to show me something that excites him.

Oh mama a wood- peck bird, oh i love birds

Oh mama a fungus, a fungus, a fungus, do you love fungus mama? i love fungus

oh mama moss is it soft mama or pickly? moss smells good mama

oh that bark is so nice, a bug mama a bug, i love bugs.

1 comment:

sm said...

heart melting when i overhear this one sided conversation