Monday, October 26, 2009

Fair Celebrations

This past weekend the Stisted Fall Fair held it's awards evening. We really enjoyed the fall fair itself, the country, grassroots feel to the whole fair. The evening stayed true to its style, with a potluck desserts evening, a silent auction and the handing out of awards. While we aren't new to the fall fair circuit, this is the first evening celebration we have been too. At the other fairs we have entered any prize money, ribbons and awards are all to be picked up at the end of the actual fair weekend. With a separate evening we were able to chat with other families who enjoy participating in fairs, lingering in the fun a little longer. With so much time passing, every one's memories had blurred as what they had done well in.
We really do enjoy entering our handiwork into the fair, sharing what we have crafted is reward enough for us. It is almost a surprise to be handed an envelope with some money for the prizes we won. The kids and I came away from the evening with a total of just over $30, combined with a few gift certificates for the kids to get french fries and milkshakes. What a haul!!
The biggest surprise was Aria's win of a large trophy acknowledging her first place win in the standard rabbit section. It is a trophy that will stay with us all year, her name on engraved for the year 2009, that we will return for next year. The trophy has found a home next to the rabbits indoor cage. No one was worried that it might go to their heads thankfully. Entering animals into a fair is a whole new ball park for us, it has been a very rewarding one. I think its a great reason to get more animals, don't you?
There is talk of entering more next year, starting earlier, trying new things. It's great to dream big.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Way to go guys!
Nice trophy Aria.

We think you should get a lama/alpaca...or a yak