The scene: a wooded area, three feet of snow on the ground, blue skies but still cool out.
The airplane has crashed. The passengers (mostly children)realize they are lost, their priority is to build a shelter and start a fire . The only supplies they have are a garbage bag, a tarp, some wood, a piece of paper, a match. The 20 children divide into three groups on their own. Each group contains ages ranging from 2-12years. They each find a place that is safe from the elements and nature. They quickly get to work setting up their shelter. One group creates a wall and floor with theirs, another makes a roof and the third makes a tent. Each of the shelters having unique qualities that will provide different comforts. The challenges faced include untying the two year old who got tangled in the rope so it can be used for the shelter, reaching the highest branch, convincing the hungry to focus on the task, finding the lost mitten. They succeed.
On to the second task. Fire. Heat. They pat down snow, create a pit for the fire to be protected in. Finding a rough dry (the latter being the challenge) surface to strike the match to light the one piece of paper, to then light the wood. It takes awhile. They try the bark of the tree, they try keys, a metal zipper comes close to working, at last it is the saw on a friends multi tool that comes through. A little flame. It counted as a fire.
They are then rescued. Taken back into warmth, fed and patted on the back.
I assume they didn't have to deal with the others or rogue polar bears?
Looked like a fun exercise!
there is talk of throwing in wild chipmunks, public school kids and conservatives to make things interesting!
HAHAHAA... I can donate the chipmunks as soon as spring comes, my war starts then they think my garage is home.. its a long rough battle. I kick them out then sit on the edge of garage door and chatter at me. Sometimes I fear for my life, especially when the squirrels join in. I think we don't own this house we rent it from the critters. Last year we were awoken to our cat Ana informing us that a squirrel had chewed through the window screen in the kitchen.. and was having a lovely time running up and down the walls..
But chipmunks and squirrels are better then conservatives.. too many of those extreme cons in this area.
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