Monday, March 17, 2008

Cherished Closeness

There have been a few things that have hugely impacted who I am as a parent and the path I have chosen. Among those is baby wearing. When I lived in Guatemala I was truly amazed and inspired by the women who lived a physically active day the whole time carrying their baby on their back. The children where content, stroking their mum's hair, listening to her voice,the closeness being so much more than physical. In my heart I knew one day I would carry my babies.

I have followed this instinct and carried each of my children in different carriers, slings and wraps. With each child I have been affirmed of the benefits and discovered new reasons to continue. There has been the calm in brought me as a new mum caring for my tiny premature baby close and safe, transition my toddler to life with a sibling as smoothly as possible- baby close by yet still able to push a swing or play trains with two hands. Daily tasks that can be overwhelming are more manageable with babe on my back to cook food or change laundry. Going for a walk, nursing discreetly, to hide a shy or nervous toddler, to keep unwanted hands away, to rock to sleep, to ease tired arms, to connect daddy and babe in a special way. There are more. There is the physical and emotional benefits for both babe and me, there is the spiritual ones of being so closely connected, there is the comfort and safety it provides. The ease, something I am always seeking more of.
As each of the kids has grown to big to carry, I am aware of how quickly this time goes. I cherish this short time, where we stand as one, swaying together.

Feeling Shai next to me, having his head rest against me as his body is cradled in the sling, eyes gazing at me and fingers playing with my hair. During the busy days, when we have four places to go, friends to mingle with, things to get done , I am grateful for the time in the sling that connects us. Requiring us to be heart to heart. Such a gift.


amanda said...

I've been putting Ayla to sleep in the sling the last little while and really taking the time to enjoy it because I know it'll be done too soon :(

Penelope said...

Ok, first of all, how cool is it that you lived in Guatemala?! And secondly, I'm reallllly missing the baby wearing stage about now...

Great post!