Wednesday, March 05, 2008

It might be beautiful.....

but I am officially tired of the snow. I embraced it, I played in it, tobogganed on it, built with it, hiked through it, lay in it, dressed in my snow pants numurous times a week for months (what actually felt now- like years). I am now officially done. Last night we got more snow. It is starting to feel as though it is never going to end.
The kids however, are currently filling the garage freezer with beloved snow balls, sliding on the ice and loving it still. In protest I am refusing to clear the drive way (surprise Chris).
The snow postponed a play date, so when the kids aren't outside we dusted off some toys we haven't seen for awhile; lite bight, the marble run, magnetic gears, kitchen ware for a doll picnic.

On the agenda for this afternoon we are curling up with a new chapter book and following suite to make this scrumptios looking treat!

The background music for naptime, is totally mellowing us out.

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