Friday, March 21, 2008

Sometimes I enjoy the quiet and sometimes....

I really pay for it.

Mamas know that sometimes a quiet house or a few minutes on the phone uninterrupted is worth whatever is being done to give it to them, and other times it isn't so worth it. After what feels like a very busy and energy draining week I have been looking forward to the long weekend. However life happens and plans change. So instead of going out with friends I needed to drop off my felted eggs for an craft exchange I was part of.
I had an hour before I needed to leave. The older three were playing in the basement. Shai was playing with blocks. Quiet. I grabbed a book I have been enjoying and started to read. Oh bliss. I could feel the disastrous mess around me fade away, the dread of cooking dinner fade away, the sleepless nights with a growing boy fade away. I was enjoying my book and the rest of the world was fading away. I read and read and read. Uninterrupted. When the thought of how long I had been interrupted entered my mind I passed. That feeling entered, fear. What has he been occupying his time with while I read. I don't see him with the blocks anymore. I hear his little voice, he's chatting to himself. I go to the bathroom, where he has the cutest grin on. I can't help but smile at that beautiful face. Then my eyes dart to the toilet, which is over flowing. My eggs, my felted eggs for the craft exchange, in the toilet. Some floating, some not to be seen. Eggs that need to be delivered.
First thing was first, need to unclog toilet. Move baby and begin plunging, over and over. Finally break suction. Clean up water. Change baby.
Eggs. Now I go into panic mode. Eggs. I get the blank ones and start felting like a mad woman. In the process I break three needles. I have exactly two for each person. Eggs I am not thrilled with(not as nice as what are now referred to as the toilet eggs)...but thrilled to be out the door.
Sometimes a few minutes of quiet is worth the bag of flour all over the floor, or the marker on the wall, or the baby eating the cookie. Today, not so much.


Steph said...

Hi Emma, I am feeling for ya here in Nova Scotia! I had a similar experience recently, after talking to my mom on the phone for ten minutes I spent two hour cleaning the aftermath of the "pie" baking that occurred in the kitchen! Sometimes the "quiet time" just ain't worth it!

gardening gal said...

how are you? how is nova scotia?
how wonderful to have you stop by and to connect! I hope the adjustment is going well, that you are finding a 'home'.
Here's to hoping we will be enjoying some quiet time soon with the playtime outdoors.

Kate said...

Oh Emma, I'm cringing just thinking about it. Your poor, beautiful eggs, the mess, the panic. I just about never trust a quiet moment that comes before bedtime!