Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Happy 6th Birthday Beautiful Boy

I remember his birth so clearly, I was intent on being present for every detail of his entry. It is so hard to believe it was six years ago today. His first few months of life were such a whirlwind, with two children under 2 they were hectic exhausting months. When he was just under a year I remember feeling like I was coming out of a fog ande we were being introduced again to each other. Ben is such a kind, thoughtful boy who truly loves being generous, exploring nature and is thrilled at finding creatures of all sorts. He is deeply spiritual, I am in awe of the growth he has in exploring this part of himself, especially at his age. Not to mention his ability to climb! where did those limbs come from!!!

Celebrating him and his part in this world is joyful for us all. We enjoyed going out for breakfast together at one of our favorite places for chocolate chip pancakes (and cafe latte for mum!) Ben was thrilled with his birthday gift, which Dad worked really hard to create. Ben has a passion for all things spy lately. Dad filled a tool box with glasses, a watch, a headset, a laser that shows different pictures, a flashlight, a retractable rope, a tool set and walkie talkies. Ben has been hiding around corners, sending codes and mastering moves.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Bennnnnn
Happy Birthday to you

Ryan, Colin, Emily, Sara, Karen, Kevin, Phoebe, Tawny (the cat), Blue (the fish) and Ug (the slug)

Ben with all these people/creatures we should sing it to you twice

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Bennnnnnnnnn
Happy Birthday to you