Sunday, October 22, 2006

Art Exhibit

With much anticipation the family; including Grammy and Grampy, headed to an art exhibit downtown. This wasn't going to be just any art exhibit but one that featured the work ELias has been doing in his class. We were all met with great disappointment when we heard his class' work was not present because it was still drying. Elias was quite excited about this day, it was one of the few times he was comfortable...even looking forward to being the centre of attention. The teacher was very apologetic, empathetic to how he must be feeling and recognized how disappointing it must feel. She has offered to open the studio for him to have is own exhibit, which was very kind. I am sure we will be working hard at home on new projects to add.
The studio had set up a hands-on clay table which all three of the kids enjoyed molding and creating with, bringing home beautiful creations. The art work on display was quite diverse. My favorite was the art created with layers of beautiful japanese handmade paper. Some of the pieces where abstract and others were more realistic.
The evening ended with Indian food for dinner courtesy of Grammy and Grampy- Yummy!

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