Before we moved there were natural places the kids had visited for literally years. Some of them grew up always knowing them. They were places we discovered in the first year of moving there. These places, special places, held adventures and memories. There were certain games played, or names given to trees, like a home it had familiarity and comfort.
Since we have moved to our new home the adventures we have are in places that are completely new too us. This has its own magic, a great sense of wonder and awe as we discover what each place has to offer. There are a few places we visit regularly and have explored in different seasons. I have watched as the kids grow attached to different spaces, already naming and embracing certain parts. Recalling on our return visit that we have memories here. I have noticed as I also grow attached, looking for that wall of moss or the antler shaped roots.
Ragged Falls is one of those places. We were excited to share it with our friends on their visit. We hiked the short walk, explored the falls, both at the top and the bottom. The highlight was crossing the river, realizing they could swim with the current and gliding along. It was a wonderful addition to this place, a great memory too.
Love that ragged falls - many places like that to visit here but that place has impact. I think it might be its ability to show that nature is far more powerful then us and definitely louder.
I love the stroll further back in as only a small percentage of people seem to take that hike. Especially in the fall you can go back along the river and never seen anybody sometimes!
It never ceases to amaze me - everywhere I have lived- how few people choose to seek out natural places to explore. Even here where nature is so excessible. Unfortunate really, because it can really bring so much richness with it.
That walk back is really nice...just not in hunting season - remember last year!
hhaha I know I have never seen that sign before! Funny how a human made sign all of a sudden made everything feel very scary!
It looks beautiful!
oscar and i were looking at our pictures of it last night. i loved how excited and proud your kids were to show us their falls!
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