Sunday, September 27, 2009


We really like mushrooms. Even more now that we went on a mushroom walk. Our hike at hardwood Lookout lead us to find lots of different types of fungus. We were over the moon to find lots and lots of puff balls, giving everyone a chance to scatter the spores around.
We are trying to identify some of the different fungus, slime molds are becoming easier and a few of the different polypores are too. It was great to watch everyone searching in different corners as we went along, excited to show the rest of us. Even Chris found a great specimen of Bear's Head, we were all so proud!


perhaps a honey mushroom

maybe Golden Pholiotas

carnivorous oyster mushrooms

a type of polypore

we call this the hershey kiss, or maybe it's ?

a red belt polypore

bear's head or we like to call it coconut



Karen said...

beautiful - love the "coconut" one.

Karen said...

Did you see this?

I think your mum might like them for Christmas

gardening gal said...

those are cool shelves! we have lots of those fungus! although the other day we were doing the spore prints and were trying a new type of mushroom and when we checked it in the morning it had turned to jelly and was filled with grubs!!!!
I don't know how many more mushrooms we will be bringing in now!