Monday, September 11, 2006

So much more than teeth

Elias lost his second tooth over the past two days, the top middle two. He has that super cute toothless smile (of which this picture doesn't show very well). It feels like a big marker of his growing up. I remember loosing those two teeth, rubbing my tounge against the funny feeling gum. The days we share together, the events that happen in his life are ones he will remember, he will call on these as he recollects his childhood. It will be interesting to hear him retell these times with his perspective. I wonder if he will remember waking everyone in the house at 2 am to let them know the tooth fairy had been and left him a tooney. I wonder if he will remember being sad to see his small tooth leave and a little nervous about what the adult ones would look like (commenting that his friends teeth that had come in were huge!). Will he remember loosing the first wrestling with Dadda and his brother? I wonder if he will still feel uncomfortable seeing and talking about blood or if this is incidental for him and won't remember much about it. While I don't wish the time to pass, I am intrigued to hear his stories.

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