Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Happy New Year

I have always loved back to school. It isn't so much the school part necessarily, although I enjoyed the majority of that time, it was more the fresh start. It was like a new years celebration, full of hope and promise. All three of my kids could be attending public school this year; ELias in grade 2, Ben in grade 1 and Aria in JK. There have been a few 'back to school' seasons during which I felt as though I needed a marker to show the change of the season. There was also feelings of concern or questioning our family's choices of going against the grain. This year there is none of that, with my whole being I know we are doing what is best for our family. I love spending time with them, exploring the world. My life is so interesting, adventuresome and I get to share it with the people I hold dearest. To celebrate this awesomeness we started our day reading stories in bed (30 no less!) and eating cake for breakfast! Here is to a new year!

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