Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fall Fair

Our day at the fair finally arrived and despite the intermittent downpours of rain, fun was had by all. There was a full day worth of activities which we shared with Nana, who joined us for the annual event. On the top of the list was the children's tractor pull. The kids are divided into weight categories, all participants win a ribbon for merritt and some tickets for the rides, if you pulled in the top five you also won money. Ben- for the second year in a row won first place in his weight, coming away with a trophy, large ribbon, coloring book, $10, and ride tickets!!!! They were all thrilled at the choosing two rides each! Elias and Ben choose to spend some of their prize money on a game, each winning a bear. Aria headed straight for the cotton candy!
There was tractor pulls of a larger scale, a smash up derby, waterfowl, chickens, horses, sheep, cows, 4H demonstrations and music! I haven't even touched on the exhibition halls yet and the craft results...which were very very exciting!!
I will write about those tommorrow. It was so great to see them light up with pride over the crafts they worked so hard on displayed, many with ribbons. It's definetely a tradition we will keep up.

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