Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This is a Season

I was talking with my mum about how thankful I am for having had the opportunity to enjoy the newborn stages with each of my children, in particular Aria. When she was born we hibernated as a family. We followed a new rhythm at a pace that helped us all ease into our new roles and enjoy our newest member. I treasure that time. This came up as I was commenting that the life choices my family has chosen has lent its self to slowing down (somewhat) to enjoy each other, and the seasons of life. After a busy weekend we enjoyed family cuddle in bed on a Monday morning, not rushing off anywhere. When its a sunny day outside we stop and enjoy the rays, we splash in the puddles after the rain, we stop gardening to count the warms. It is the allowances for the pauses that make our day so incredible, the pauses are often more cherished than the main activity. I am aware that our choice to homeschool has given us the space and time for these allowances/gifts. My mum commented that she thought having children helped one flow with the season much more than an adult whose children have grown (thank goodness for grandchildren). Children naturally follow the seasonal rhythms, the ebbs and flows. I hope to hold on to what they are teaching me.

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