Determination; it is a quality Ben has embraced fully. He has been talking about getting a cat for about a year, but this past month he has taken his interest to a new level. He has been collecting pennies from off the street and in the car, he has found books from the library to find out what a kitten needs when it comes to your hat, he has asked for help to find information on the internet. Ben has weighed the pros and cons of wet or dry cat food, the benefits and risks of having an indoor or outdoor cat, what declawing means, how often to visit the vets. He is truly educated on the topic. The level of passion he has for getting a kitten, the deep commitment he shows learning all he so that he can do the best he can, has awed and inspired the rest of the family. We are getting a kitten; how could we not. This has been one of those moments when you get to see your child's drive fuel their love for learning; I am so glad to be following his lead and share in his magic.
Oh, your probably wondering what these photos have to do with getting a cat! (lol) Ben and Elias often work with wood, nails, hammers and the saw. They have learned how to use these tools safely. Ben has been busy nailing pieces of wood together, Elias occasionally joining him, to build a bed frame for the new cat. (It will require a little modification to ensure it isn't impaled on one of the nails or get its leg trapped inbetween the wood!).
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