Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Wall

I have been inspired by a series of women who have blogged about wall schooling (or fridge, armoir, door, etc). A particular space is used to post tidbits of information for approximately a week at a time. Love the idea and I have tried to post information that will touch each ofmy three kids (ages 7, 5, 3). Here are the things on my first door:


op words


Root word
Aqua meaning water
aquatic, aquarium

Latin phrase
Ad Lucem Towards the Light

The sea is flowing ever
The land retaining never
by. J Wolfgang VonGoeth


The Owl and the Pussy Cat
by E. Lear

Spelling Rule
When you are adding a Y to the end of a word
ie. fun....funny you need to have two constonants

tictac toe math game
1. draw a board with 9 squares (like in tictactoe)
2. in each square fill with numbers without repeating (start with 1-9, but can change to higher numbers with more dice)
3. take turns rolling two dice, adding up their total. list all the number possibilities that add up to the number rolled. ie. roll 4 & 3, totalling 7
all the possibilities are 4, 3 or 6,1, or 5,2,ot 7,0
4. choose the two numbers (or one if there is only one available) and cross them off your board
5. the first to get the board filled, or a line wins
note: bigger numbers are more challenging

map showing where the coral reefs are


Does Blubber keep you warm?
-bucket of cold water and one of ice
-stick your hand into the bucket of cold water bare for 10 secs., note how it feels, then do the same in the ice
-put on a rubber glove, stick your hand into the cold water for 10 secs. , then into the ice and note how it feels
-put your hand into a doubled bag of lard, stick your hand into the water for 10 secs then into the ice, note how they feel

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