Friday, June 09, 2006

An adventure day

Today Elias participated in a fabulous day with a large group from the homeschool group at a local camp. The camp offers numerous different activities, each aimed at challenging the kids, helping them try new things. Archery, Canoeing, Rock Climbing and Group Games were the activities on Elias itinerary. The counsellors were excellent, encouraging and observant. It was a day he was nervous about attending, but he worked through to find courage and attempted everything wholeheartedly. He is very excited at attending again next year; as are both siblings (in the fall a program for ages 4 and up will be offered). There were a few challenging social situations that Elias needed to navigate through, ones I was hoping he wouldn't encounter but he worked through them at home afterwards showing us once again his emotional maturity. I am thankful for the opportunities that we have had through the homeschool group and equally thankful that I am so close to my kids.

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