Sunday, February 22, 2009

Among Men

At the winter carnival, there were snowshoe races. Elias and Ben wanted to participate, but we had missed their age category. The coordinator invited them to join the 18+ age group, which to my total surprise they choose to do. So side by side other men, they raced the course. There was no pity given to them for their size or age. In fact, Elias was trampled at one point, completing the course in fourth place while carrying one snowshoe! Ben came in second place after being neck n' neck for awhile. It was quite the race.


amanda said...

ben and elias got 2nd and 4th in a race against grown men!?! wow!!

i love the shot of ben taking off!

gardening gal said...

it does look pretty cool! crazy eh? and really the men gave it their all too!