Saturday, January 03, 2009

O Christmas Tree

There is a few things I would love to share about Christmas. As most, we have Christmas traditions that we hold dear. We love to cut down our tree, some years it has been raining, others its green and many there is snow on the ground. While we have lots of trees, there aren't any suitable for us to cut down. We never would have guessed living in a very tree covered area that we would have a challenge in finding somewhere to cut down trees. Everyone we asked puts up a fake tree, so after lots of research we found somewhere almost an hour a way!! Off we went Santa hats and warm gear on.
We now live in an area that gets a lot of snow, more than we are used to. This year this has been an exceptional amount. We arrived at the tree farm to find the trees buried in four - five feet of snow. The trees actually looked as though they were only a few feet high sitting on top of mountains of snow.
As we attempted to trudge through the waist high snow, one child in hand, we commented how we felt like this was a Chevy Chase moment. The wind was whipping, the movement difficult. When we found a tree we thought we might like we had to dig it out in order to be able to cut it down. This took about 40 minutes due to the high amount!
After all that work we were happy with whatever the tree looked like. The long hall back and then Chris put it on the car. While he strapped it down, a woman in heel boots and a light coat commented that what she does is come in the summer to pick and tag a tree for the farm to cut down just before Christmas and then pick it up. She suggested I think about that for next year.
It wouldn't have been a Chevy Chase moment though we hadn't have hit really bad, icy weather on the way home. And of course you know we had to have the tree fall off the car due to the high winds. We got it home to find a huge hole in the one side, the tip broken and most branches mangled.
It looked perfect. And its tradition.


Karen said...

Didn't you get a pic of the tree rolling down the highway?

gardening gal said...

I thought about it....but the look on Chris' face suggested it probably wasn't the right time LOL