Thursday, October 18, 2007

Too much felting?

We have been enthralled with a new passion in felting. It began through the fibre arts coop we are a part of. We are experimenting with needle felting and wet felting. Last night I attended a class to learn how to make a squirrel out of felted material. It is so cute...and quite easy to make. I am left feeling crafty and wanting to do more. Its fueling a part of me that has been dormant the past few months, its great to be tapping into it again.
So lit with a spark we head to a local angora goat farm and fibre mill. We received a spontaneous tour and a warm welcome. Our visit had been preceded by numerous friends the previous week and as a result he knew all about us. Once home we started on some mini mice, purses and dragonflies. We are thrilled with our projects.
Last night when I did my rounds to make sure everyone still had their blankets on I found the boys snuggled up as usual. One of them was talking about felting in his dream, rubbing his brothers arm and felting it....up and down with his hand like you do with a felting needle! Could it be too much of a good thing? Not at all :)


Karen said...

very cute
we have the same sponges - lol
the dragon fly is sweet - is it a puppet?

gardening gal said...

you can't beat .50 cents for a sponge! It's not a puppet, we have been working on small animals an insects that the kids have been playing make believe with.
I just picked up a bunch of wool sweaters from le village and the excitment is mounting!