Sunday, October 07, 2007

The groove

I am in awe that September has passed and we are currently enjoying thanksgiving weekend. The past month has been incredibly busy with programs, co-ops, events beginning and needing planning. The weather has been unbelievably beautiful, hot and dry. I have been very intentional in trying to spend as much time sucking up the weather and the opportunity to hike and put our feet in the river, roller blade and skateboard in shorts and t-shirts, sit out late on the deck, eat dinner outside. It has been a little overwhelming trying to create and then maintain a balance for our family but more for me, while navigate our way through the new season and business.

While the balance isn't always maintained, I am feeling a little less overwhelmed. The groove seems to be emerging. I find this one of the tricky parts of homeschooling, and each year the groove we find looks so different. So I think I might get to start posting, which is something I enjoy. We'll see :) For now I want to share some of the things we have been doing during this busy time, and of course share some pictures of all my kids (especially my youngest who is almost 9 months!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

Hey Emma
Once in a while, I sit with my cup of coffee and read your blog. I continue to be inspired about your insights into life and what really matters. Your blogs are a gentle reminder of what mothering is all about.


gardening gal said...

Thanks for stopping by and the nice comment!