Saturday, October 20, 2007

Race Time

This morning the boys participated in a cross country race organized by a neighbouring home school group. It was a cold and windy morning. The emotions were tender, not knowing what to expect combined with fear and excitement that comes with competition. One of my guys is highly competitive and the other totally non competitive. I had no idea how it would go, a little concerned that one would back out and regret it and that the other might get very upset if his finishing place wasn't what he expected.
I needn't have feared. They both did amazingly well. They ran hard and tried hard, they came in 3rd place as a home school group in their age category. One saw how his practices paid off and how he could improve for next year (next year!?). The other stuck it out and had no regrets. It was amazing to about 100 kids between 5-adult run different races with their parents and siblings cheering them on. I was teary as they came in across the finish line, when I turned to tell Chris how proud I was of them, he was teary too.

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