Monday, June 11, 2007


This afternoon we joined some friends and visited the river near her house. Its a spot we almost always visit only with friends and always enjoy. It took almost no time for all five of them to be in the water exploring the river life. They pulled out crayfish, minnows, frogs, snails, and a really interesting fish. It was a little shorter than my hand, it was green and yellow stripes, and it had two fins that looked like lizard arms. This particular fish liked to hang out in the rapids moving side to side instead of back and forth. In the water it looked like a piece of moss. We plan on doing some investigating as I don't think we have ever seen a fish like this.
At one point the net got taken away by the current which lead to an intense search and rescue. Sticks were used in all sorts of ways, including a barricade to catch them in they drifted away. They threw rocks in hopes that the ripple effect would loosen the net from the caught area. They joined hands with one person as the anchor, but alas it was still stuck. Finally it was shear determination that led Ben to go under and get it!
The current was a source of great fun. A tree branch was perfectly outstretched over the spot the current was the strongest. The positioning was perfect for the kids to hold onto and "ride" the waves!
It was a great way to spend three hours! All that fun, those great creatures....and I didn't have my camera!


Me said...

Just want to say Hello! I have been enjoying your blog for a while, but never left a comment. Your kids are so cute ;)

gardening gal said...

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and posting :) I have also enjoyed your blog and your outdoor adventures!