Saturday, June 09, 2007

An Ankle-Biker

There has been a count down for today happening since April. Elias had his mountain biking camp today and (thankfully)it was even better than he had built it up to be. I dropped him and Chris off this morning for 8:15 with bikes, helmets, sunscreen, bug spray and water bottles. They had a full day of activities beginning with helmet fitting and bike tune ups. They practiced and learned skills which involved obstacle courses, stairs, teeter-totters, logs, ramps, and pylons. They were given lunch, snacks and drinks throughout the day. I picked Chris up at lunch while Elias stayed to participate in more skill training and some trail rides. He was tired when we came at the end of the day, but still smiling, thrilled with how it went and his fancy new shirt he got. I can see biking being a long term interest and being a member of this group a yearly commitment.

1 comment:

gardening gal said...

I corrected just for you!