Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Pancake Men

The days are getting longer. Tonight there was light till 6:40pm, such a treat. Combined with all the sun and warmth we have been having it gets us itching for spring. The longer days mean a few things at our house. One of them is the kids start getting up early again. My guys are morning people, this is a rhythm I have come to expect every year around this time. From my bed I can hear them get up, head outside for early morning adventures, making tea for some reading on the couch, playing with each other.

This year has brought a new part to the tradition. The kids cooking skills and confidence has grown. They have been making themselves breakfast for awhile now, but they have been adding waffles, pancakes, muffins, french toast to their independent early morning time. It is wonderful watching them take on such challenges-including a great clean up! If I time it right, I join them for a nice hot breakfast; such a treat. I just have to get them to add making coffee to their new routine.


sm said...

AND they clean up?! man, i gotta borrow those kids for awhile -

Steph said...

we taught the art of coffee making early - still working on the cleaning though!