Friday, August 25, 2006

New email?

I have been a vegetarian for 16years. That is half my life. During this time I have given up fish, chicken and red meat. My reasons are environmental and humanitarian. I am not against eating meat, but the way animals are treated and the amount (mainly westeners) consume. Chris and I agreed to have a vegetarian household, our kids as a result are vegetarian. Infact Elias and Ben don't show any interest of wanting to eat meat, perhaps as adults they sometimes say. Aria has tried some at outside functions and loves the smell of it cooking.
Many strange things have happened during this pregnancy, by farthest has been my insatiable, uncontrollable, overwhelming desire for meat. I crave dishes like cajun chicken gumbo, barbecued shrimp skewers, fish and chips, chicken off the bone, RIBS!!!! It has been so long I don't even know if I fully no what these taste like. Chris came home from work and there was no dinner made (not an uncommon occurrence lately). Before he had a chance to get his shoes off I got all the kids piled in the van and let him know he was taking me to Swiss Chalet!!!! I ate chicken off the bone!!! I had extra gravy and I loved every greasy bite. The kids watched in amazement, asking all kinds of questions about the bones, the skin the muscle of the chicken while they ate their pizza. Amazingly it didn't phase me at all, answering in between bites.
I don't know where things will go dietary wise from here but I guess we need to change our email......
any ideas????

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