Friday, July 07, 2006


We have been doing some fun things around the topic of oceans. Today we looked through books about coral reefs. The kids drew pictures of their own interesting coral reefs, painted them with glue and then covered them in colored sand. They were beautiful.
Things I have learned about oceans;
1. An adult elephant can fit on the tounge of an adult blue whale. The Blue Whale's heart is the size of a small car. A nursing blue whale drinks 50 gallons (200 litres) of milk a day.

2. That 90 % of all volcanic activity occurs in the ocean.

3. If the ocean's total salt content were dried, it would cover the continents to a depth of 5 feet.

4.The largest waterfall is under water, in the Denmark Strait and falls down 2.2 miles.

5.One swallow of seawater contains millions of bacteria cells, hundreds of thousands of phytoplankton and tens of thousands of zooplankton

6. Less than 10% of the cean has been explored by humans.

7. The average temperature of the oceans is 2 degrees C

8. Many sharks give live birth to their young, which is called vivipary- rival siblings sometimes eat each other before they are born

9. Each year 3x's as much garbage is dumped in the world's oceans as the weight of fish caught.

10. The swordfish and marlin are the world's fastest fishing, able to reach speeds of 121 miles an hour.

this information has been read about in different books, websites, movies, while we have been exploring oceans- one interesting ocean facts site was this

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