Sunday, July 30, 2006

Cousin's Camp

It's early Sunday morning and the house is a buzz. Bags are being packed, activities planned, sleeping bags and pillows piled. My kids are getting ready for camp. Not just any camp, it is the 2nd annual Cousin's Camp. My parents invite the grandkids to come to their house for activities, a sleep over, fun and candy. Last year the kids put on a dog show with their stuffed animals, each receiving a unique ribbon for their contributions. There was sprinkler time and a sleepover. This year the kids are going to the Hamilton Art gallery, painting the fence at my parent's house after being inspired by the art. They are having Chinese food and time at a splash pad, throw in stories with Grampy, cuddle time with Grammy and sleeping all together and this camp couldn't get any better!!!
They are off (not even wanting to stop for a photo!)!!!

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