A 12 foot high steel fence blocking us off from town. Restricted zones. Check points requiring special passes, limited to very few. Helicopters, fighter jets, army trucks, military presence, armed vehicles, becoming regular presences on the streets, in the air and even the grocery store. Bomb threats, rumours and bewilderment.
We have known the G8 was coming. We have watched as the preparations have been made. The security has gradually increased as the dates approach. Now just a few days away I am feeling so thankful that this is temporary. That I don't live in a place where my children grow up knowing this as their norm. I have a new appreciation for Mothers raising children in countries where freedom has a totally different meaning.
Absolutely, perfectly said Em! Although we all have knowledge of how others live in militarized zones in other countries, it certainly does add to the awareness and appreciation when one has had a small taste of it. What we experienced here is nothing even close to how some families live thier day to day lives. I have enjoyed the learning experience that presented itself to us when the G8 came to town and I think that I have never been so thankful to enjoy the freedoms we all too often take for granted.
ditto -
i wonder if a hunsville child's memory of it will invoke the same reaction?
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