Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Around Us

These beautiful yellow butterflies are every where this year. When you walk along the shore of the lake they scatter in your path, dancing around. Our lilac bushes are full of them, often 7-10 at a time.

We have fields of wild strawberries, unfortunately they often get trampled by unknowing feet or bike tires. But we are working hard at keeping them safe. Ben found the first strawberry and in turn got to reap the benefit of eating it! the verdict? yummy!

The pond- I feel like I write about it as much as the kids lol- always provides us with wonders of nature. The kids brought this frog to show me, who was completely formed with four legs but still had a very long tail. Cool.

Fishing. A few catches (and of course releases) have been made; rock bass and sunfish.

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