Monday, January 18, 2010


out of the way Indiana!!!
Is everyone ok? that was a large explosion
dizzy....but I am going to make it!
high fives all around

Comic strips are all the rage right now around our house. I am not sure where the original inspiration for comic books came from, but the content has been greatly influenced by the recent viewing of Indiana Jones. They watched theses movies over Christmas and lets just say it's been an adventure. Lots of play involving bags of snakes, costumes, Egyptian get aways and intense close calls. But by far, its been the comics that have been created after hours of thoughtful attention to details, that have been the greatest to watch grow. Drawing and writing doesn't appeal to all of my kids, but this form has produced pages after pages without any requests.

1 comment:

Steph said...

thanks for the link - our budding comic book artist is thrilled!