Sunday, May 10, 2009

An Olympic Visitor

We are in one of the many towns who will be fortunate to have the Olympic torch pass through on it's long journey. The torch passing through on it's official journey on December 30th, which we have plans to attend. This gave us a close up preview of the torch as it is making a publicity tour.

A new torch is designed each Olympics by the hosting country. This one is very sleek and modern looking, white plastic with a sliver band and the Olympic emblem on one side. It weighed close to 3lbs, but it was also empty of the propane needed to light it. We had a look at the route the torch will be taking, and talked about all the different ways the torch will be travel.The route is to become the longest domestic torch relay in Olympic history, covering 45,000 km through more than 1,000 communities before it reaches it's final destination; Vancouver. During the 106 days the torch is being relayed, it will be carried by over 12,000 torch bearers.
Three time Olympian Jeff Bean was on hand for pictures and a chat. He spent over 11 years on the Canadian national freestyle ski team. We left feeling a little bit more excited for the games to come.


sm said...

i can see shai is very excited by the whole thing :)

gardening gal said...

It was a big event for him!!! lol Chris thought he was hiding, but no he slept through the whole thing. Aria wanted to take the picture and everyone wanted Shai in the picture-lol