Sunday, May 31, 2009

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .....7 in total!!!!!

We headed to Algonquin Park early (quite early) this morning, with breakfast and camera in hand. It was a crazy day in terms of weather; meeting rain, sunshine, hail, blue skies and snow. The weather didn't deter the moose though. We drove through the park, our eyes intently searching the marshy areas we passed. Dadda found the first two young cows, who were munching happily at the side of the road. We stood staring in awe at them for quite awhile.

Elias spotted the next, a big bull moose, whose antlers we could see were very velvety. We watched it until it got out of the marsh, came up to the road (very close to the car) and walk down the road. The kids were just commenting they couldn't get a good idea of how tall it was, being in the water. We were all impressed by its size, measuring about 6 feet to the shoulders.

We saw a total of 7 moose; five cows, 1 buck and 1 bull moose. We are still smiling and nodding, muttering how awesome it was.

1 comment:

Karen said...

the bull moose is awesome!