Friday, April 03, 2009

Pond time

We have a love affair with ponds. How could you not? The water, having the option to wade in rubber boots or bare feet. Its generally not too deep, making falling in kind of fun. The living wonders; water striders, pond snails, dragon flies, painted turtles, frogs, toads, red wing blackbirds, herons, ducks, and these are just the common ones. The plants, slime, cat tails, murky water.
One of the things that gave this house extra merit points for us was the pond. Oh the afternoons of exploring and filling jars with specimens, the early morning quiet spent watching a visiting heron, the evenings listening for frog songs. Its exciting. The snow is gone (for now) and the nets have been unpacked. We have two mallards who spend part of everyday swimming around. I can just see the laundry line filling with the clothes to dry.

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