Friday, May 09, 2008

Around the World in an Afternoon!

We participated in a geography expo this afternoon. What a wonderful event. There were about 25-30 families, with everyone having chosen a different country to share about. Each family had a display, regional snack and a stamp/sticker for the passport that every child carried around. We were asked to give a few questions about our country that the kids could use as a scavenger hunt. The displays were very impressive and all very different. There was games, puzzles, toys, money, history, seasonal celebrations, musical instruments, buildings and more, much more shared.
We chose Italy as a country to study in part for interest in the history and in part because we have plans to visit in 2010. Everyone loved reading about the history and very quickly we were all working away on costumes. We had Santa Lucia (Aria), St. Francis (Shai), a Roman Soldier (Elias), a Gladiator (Ben) and Christopher Columbus (Me), five famous Italians. We shared biscotti, and our display had a map, Italian inventions, celebrations, interesting facts (in Rome alone there are 300,000 cats). Under our table we placed pictures of the Sistine Chapel.
There are plans laid for next year.

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